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Videos and Books from Landmarks
Beatty-Cramer House Documentary
Join us on a virtual tour of this unique home with expert Joe Lubozynski. Its early history is brought to life through portrayals of Susannah Beatty (Anita Beatty-Hoffman) and Judge Thomas Beatty (Douglas Claytor). Production by Reiner Prochaska.
Peace and Prosperity in a New World:
The Brunners' Journey to Maryland
Filmed at Schifferstadt, Reiner Prochaska portrays "The Story of Joseph Brunner,” with family descendants Boyce Rensberger and Jennie Russell.
Shutter Dogs & Boot Scrapers:
A walk through Old Frederick
A Guide to the Basics of Historic Buildings
"I’ve lived in Frederick my entire life...
but reading your book gave me new insight
to the historical buildings downtown."
-Reggie Yinger
Available for purchase at Curious Iguana Bookstore in downtown Frederick.
German Immigrants,
American Pioneers
The Brunners of Schifferstadt
by Patricia Ogden
and Boyce Rensberger
Available for purchase at
Curious Iguana Bookstore in downtown Frederick. Also at Amazon.